CharacterYAQ Card Game
Download your free sample cards about Character, Challenges, and Choices. Be a Character YAQologist and YAQ about how character can re-frame your platonic and romantic relationships, challenges, and choices in this crazy VUCA world of volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity.
There are dozens of ways to plays CharacterYAQ, including your own special ways! Simple instructions are included with the game (see below); for multiple game ideas and instructions, see the link in the section below. Fun for couples, families, and workplaces.
Gamify Character! with this card game that contains 22 character cards, 29 challenge cards, and 56 Choice cards. 108 coated cards, regular playing card size.
Download detailed game instructions here.
Take Your CharacterYAQ Quiz
(see how you could change your life, by taking this 5 minute quiz for free, then play the card game!)
Each CharacterYAQ deck has 108 coated regular playing-sized cards, and has 22 green Character cards, 29 blue Challenge cards, and 56 gold Choice cards. Fun for couples, families, and workplaces.
Contact us to consult about customization, so you have your own unique Character, Challenge, and Choice cards.